Friday, April 30, 2010

burp cloths!, rolling over!, and shots today "/

so first of all, Lily (who turned 4 months old on monday!) has to get shots today.. and we're not excited :( because as soon as she's done we're loading up to head to stapleton! i'll be glad to see the family, but i'm not expecting to have a pleasant car ride. needless to say  i'll be bringing the baby tylenol!
but.. LILY ROLLED OVER YESTERDAY! on the floor, tummy to back, all by herself! I am so proud of her! She's rolled over once before, on our bed, but i'm not giving her full credit for it because, well it was on our bed and that makes it easier. 
and, i made some burp cloths for one of my cousins this week, and i'm totally jealous now because i don't have any like these for lily! they're so stinkin' cute!
hmm, maybe next week before we leave for texas i'll do some girly ones for lily.. IF i have time. and i probably won't because i'll need to be packing for the big move. Matt's super excited to head out, but I'm NOT. i won't be able to bring all of my sewing and craft stuff :(. Plus i'll have to actually work. oh well, i'm sure it will still be a great summer, and if nothing else we'll be able to tell Lily she lived in Texas for a while as a baby. Maybe i'll still have time to craft a little, and maybe even get a tan! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

pillowcase dresses!

here's a new picture of my gorgeous little lily :)
and i've finished two pillowcase dresses for lily and they turned out so cute!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

here are some recent pictures of lilybug :)
she still hates tummy time.. but instead of just throwing a temper tantrum every time i lay her down, she actually does the "mini-pushup" now.. and miss independent always wants to hold her bottle and feed herself. she's just so stinkin' cute. :)

and here's our latest project.. these will be made into little dresses for miss bitty to wear on those hot summer days while we're in Texas. i can't wait to have my sewing machine tomorrow so i can get to work on these.. along with the other projects i've got going on!

Monday, April 12, 2010

So I made a blog.

Lily was born 107 days ago, on December 26, 2009 (my daddy's birthday). She may have only weighed 5lbs 9oz, but she's the biggest, most important thing that's ever happened to me. Even on the days that she does nothing but whine, grumble, spit up and poop, I love her so much. I'm so thankful to have such a blessing to wake up to every day.

I'll be adding updates on Lily, me & Matt, new photos, along with crafts that are for Lily or that she "helps" me do. Ok, that's all for today :)